Flyvision has developed a genuine 21st century POS media tool by creating a new category.

The essential aims of presenting a product and advertising are maximizing attention, maintaining it as long as possible, activation of perception, learning and thinking by creativity and resourcefulness.

Our installations display the objects placed within levitating in space, triggering thereby curiosity and intellectual challenge attracting attention, inciting thinking and the search for solutions. The result is a deep and lasting imprint with positive associations towards the object displayed.

Our vitrines are therefore perfectly suitable as exclusive image building, product introduction and advertising tools, but also as ornaments for private homes or as part of interior design.

Our list of references includes several world brands and luxury products.

christian louboutin 1

The exclusive shoe making factory has added attractive Flyvision displays to their Paris and Madrid shops. The main idea is a shoe pulled apart from the shoe box for its levitating components intensified by lots of light and mirror cover all around. The world of the red shoe soles will soon expand with new shops and ideas.


Flyvision's systems can display most objects and — with a few exceptions — the objects need no alterations.

The form, color, material and size can be made by request, manufacturing takes place in our plant near Budapest. Finished vitrines are documented by photos.

Our technology allows for several objects to be displayed simultaneously, however less is more and has better impact.

  • The only precondition for our systems is the electric current (or a battery) needed exclusively for lighting the floating object.
  • Our vitrines need no maintenance or service, arising alterations (e.g product replacement) can be made at short notice.

Basic display types

The following basic types are presented here only as a reference, the feasible display type is included in our quotation based on the parameters of the object to be levitated!


    Single side vitrine with glass on the front side only. Lighting possible from 4 internal sides plus the back panel. This type of display cabinet provides the greatest technological efficiency, with most items in this type. With this type of display, if certain conditions are met, the replacement of the product by our customers is also possible .


    Vitrine with glass on 2 sides, either opposing sides, transparent therefore from opposing directions, or side by side that makes the object visible from a wider angle. It is the perfect for streetwind shop windows and wall mounting.


    Display vitrine with glass on all 4 sides (except bottom and top), making it possible to examine the levitating product from a 360° angle. Circular panoramic experience, requires more space. Körpanorámás élmény, nagyobb térigénnyel. We recommend it in a central location, in exhibition halls or large business premises.The range of objects to be levitated is limited!


    Vitrines with entirely individual finish to display objects of any size in any environment (e.g footings, stands, shapes, etc.). A spectacular premium solution for exclusive needs.

  • BIBOX (Box in Box)

    The unique frame (shelf) levitating inside the display case allows you to easily exchange items with similar characteristics. We usually recommend this solution when frequent replacement of items is required in showrooms, exhibitions, campaigns or private home use.


    Most of our showcases are available with pillar-shaped design. This solution ensures the optimum viewing height of the object, ensuring a perfect visual experience.

Basic display types in real life







    Add more features!

    Additional elements (e.g. doors, locks and shelves) can be added to our displays.

    Our uniquely manufactured products have individual pricing based on material, size, finish and quantity.

    • Lighting: Internal LED or spotlamps with optional dimmer, time switch and remote controlling.
    • Back or front LCD screen: The user experience can be further enhanced by back or front LCD screen for video content, advertisements and further information.
    • Branding and logos:All Flyvision displays can be finished bearing company logos, slogans and QR codes.

    Examples of use

    As Flyvision’s vitrine technology allows for a very flexible application spectrum, the range of use and the list of applicable products to display are practically limitless.

    • Jewelleries and watch stores;
    • cellphone and mobile technology stores;
    • in-store POS stands for FMCG products;
    • art galleries;
    • artefacts, souvenirs and sport trophies;
    • shopping malls, any shop window;
    • perfume shops;
    • advertisement stands;
    • private homes and collections;
    • public places e.g. hotels and airports;
    • museums;
    • company headquarters, office buildings.

    Atti’s Solution Switzerland AG. • Thurgauerstrasse 80, CH-8050 Zürich, Switzerland (Open the map) • Tel.: +41 76 641 8946 • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
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